Paula & Iines & Vilma & Otso

formerly known as "Paula & Otso in Sydney" and "Paula & Iines & Otso"

Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Vilma Emilia

was born on Friday 30.04.2010 at 03:06 am.

The actual labor in the hospital was quick and easy (according to Paula). We only arrived to hospital 2 hours before it was all done. One reason may be the series of "false" alarms throughout the week...

Funny coincidence was that our good friends Ida & Toni were also in the hospital for the same purpose. Their daughter was born 9 minutes before Vilma.

Responsible godfather had time for a visit before heading to May Day festivities, well done.

Iines was all excited about the new little sister and above all the bribes that were given to her.

More pictures will be coming in near future as you might expect. Stay tuned.