Paula & Iines & Vilma & Otso

formerly known as "Paula & Otso in Sydney" and "Paula & Iines & Otso"

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

August - Summer keeps going

As promised the blog rush continues. In August the family holiday was over but the summer still kept going strong. The big event naturally was Vilma's baptism ceremony which took place at Mami's. Godparents are two fine young men, Tuomas and my cousin Mikko. Vilma wasn't quite as chilled as Iines was during her ceremony few years back. It must have been the heat or something. Anyways the event was very nice and cozy.

Otherwise it seems that we spent lot of time in southern Helsinki at least when looking at the photos. Well at that time we didn't have a clue that we would be living there few months later.

The big moment (Copyright M.Tiili)

Tuomas, Otso, Mikko and Virpi-Mami (Copyright M.Tiili)

(Copyright M.Tiili)

Heta's new new atelje at Tehtaankatu 18

Dinner in Viiskulma.

Picnic at Kaivopuisto with the local hipsters.

Vilma seems thrilled by the flash.

I'm shaving what are you looking at...?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kallion (?) seurakunnan edustaja oli oikein miellyttävä, sääli ettei hänen nimeään missään näy vaikka yhdessä kuvassa naamaa vähän pilkistää.
Toisen lapsen osa on jäädä aina jälkeen esikoisen saamasta huomiosta. Nytkään ei oikein löydy ristiäiskuvia päivänsankarista. Sorry, dear Vilma. Mukavat ristiäiset, vaikka muillakin oli kuuma kuin pikku-Vilmalla. t.M


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