Paula & Iines & Vilma & Otso

formerly known as "Paula & Otso in Sydney" and "Paula & Iines & Otso"

Monday, December 29, 2008

Massive Update - Entry #100

Our pre-Xmas trip to Paris was really enjoyable except we all suffered from flu a little. Especially the first night was slightly difficult for Iines i.e. for all of us. Our trip included bit of shopping, bit of eating out and loads of walking.

Let's start with some culture, Cathedral of Saint-Sulpice (Da Vinci code also took place here)

Coffee and banana at the cafe

Hanging out in Marais

Perhaps the only photo of the whole family (and some random church)

Paula on a windy Pont Neuf

Jardin des Tuileries around the blue moment

The sun is setting


Heading to Arc de Triomphe and Xmas lights of Avenue des Champs-Élysées

Here they are.

Paula and one of our walks

Jardin du Luxembourg

Iines and true trademarks of Paris, green steel chairs

Iines, Paula and the home street

After returning from Paris we hosted an Aussie Reunion with Mirva&Tomi on Monday before Christmas. Michaela, Anna&Brent and Hilkka&Ian all managed to pass/be in Helsinki on a same day so we caught up ... together with raclette, wine, reindeer meat and few other bits and pieces. So nice to meet again after our return to Finland but it also makes us miss Sydney more during the dark and cold winter.

Having a good time with m8s

Can I say more

We spent the Christmas eve with Otso's parents. Enjoyed some traditional food, good company and of course we sang to Santa. Iines had been really good girl, the quality and the quantity of her presents can be described as enormous.

Iines and Joulu(p)ukki

Kwak kwak!

Iines and the best xmas present ever, Xylophone

On a Christmas day we drove to Paula's summer place in Humppila to catch up with Paula's family. A hint of snow on the ground and lot of family around makes a great Xmas athmosphere.

The summer house

Humppila Fashion

Xmas coffee and some cake please.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Few shots from the neighborhood

We had Iines' 6th month check at the early childhood center today. Today's measures were 64 cm/6,5 kg. Also Paula had her last exam of this term so from now on we'll have about 3 weeks of holiday together! On Sunday we'll head to Paris for few days but today we went for a walk. Finlandia House looked so good from far so I decided to take my tripod and do some photography. Merihaka was as thrilling target as always.

Monday, December 08, 2008

Busy busy busy

Last week was really busy for all of us. We had something going on every day of the week, some days even 2 separate events. On Wednesday Ukki (grandpa) visited us. While Paula was still absorbing knowledge at the uni we went for a long walk in Kallio region which was good as Ukki isn't that familar with the pearl of Helsinki. We checked out famous church of Kallio, Torkkelin mäki, Harjutori, Hesari, Bragu etc. Later when Paula joined us we enjoyed a thai meal at Lemon Grass, a restaurant where I'd take Ian, a connoisseur of thai kitchen, for lunch without hesitation.

On notorious Helsinginkatu

The steel aorta of Finland

Evaluating the menu

Thursday was the first Thursday in December so Hakaniemi Poker Series took place again. Joonas won the braclet this time while Tomi finished second. I was happy to took the last playmoney spot (3rd) and keep my "in the money" streak alive. On Friday afternoon we visited Malla (Paula's aunt) before rushing to Heta's 30th birthday party in Munkkiniemi. The venue was the local pub, Ukko Munkki, which brings lot of memories for most of us, haven't been there for such a long time. We had a blast so some of us even headed to the city for some more action.

Saturday Finland celebrated its independence day. We decided that sushi food would be suitable for this precious day. Most of the needed ingredients were bought from the oriental supermarket across the street. Sari and Juissi helped us preparing as well as getting rid of all the yummies. They actually have taken a sushi course some time ago so their help was highly appreciated. The preparation of sushi rice isn't exactly the same as boiling regular rice. Anyways I think we did well. And of course we watched from the telly when celebrities and other important people were celebrating at the presidential palace... yes it's a bit weird tradition to watch other people having a good time.

"I don't think we did it like this at the course"

"All good now"