Paula & Iines & Vilma & Otso

formerly known as "Paula & Otso in Sydney" and "Paula & Iines & Otso"

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Hello World!

Just a quick update for our dear readers...
We've now settled in to our flat in Hakaniemi. It only took one day in the country before we moved in - that eager we were. Monday afternoon we quickly caught up with Mirva who brought our keys before other friends started rushing in. Since that we've been busy organising our home as well as socialising with everyone. Today was then my first day at the office... I barely recognised the place, so many new faces. However I managed to find few old farts lurking at the back corner of the office. They still remembered me so we enjoyed few coffees and they filled me with the latest gossips.

In addition to the obvious things such as family&friends there has been surprisingly many small details that we've been missing ... Finnish rye bread, Morning TV by YLE, proper internet connection without download limits, Radio Helsinki - the free frequency, warm bathroom, UEFA Champions League matches live on TV in a reasonable hour...

Looking forward to the surprise party tomorrow night... find the report from this blog early next week.

Checkin out the neighborhood.

Paula, brand new pram and Hakaniemi square just few steps from our home.

Iines' new play mat with an interesting new feature!


Blogger Anna said...

Hienoa, etta kotimatka naytti menneen hyvin ja ootte kotiutuneet takaisin Stadiin.

Ihan vaan sellaista muistuttelisin, etta mun officessa on poydan alla yksi rinkka seka Singer boksi odottamassa materiaalilistaa, eli laittakaahan se jossain vaiheessa tulemaan ohjeiden kera, niin ma kayn heittaan tavarat Mascotiin.

Nauttikaa ruisleivasta seka lampimasta kylpparista. (Vaikkakin taalla on vihdoin ihanan kesaisen lammin ilma, ja kamppa alkaa lampiamaan! Toivottavasti pattereita ei tarvita reiluun puoleen vuoteen...)

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mukava kuulla, että asettuminen kotiin on käynyt näppärästi. Fiilis on varmasti mukavan rento? Täällä päin on jo Iinestä ikävä :(

Saimme vihdoinkin ne pirun viisumit, itseasiassa viime viikolla, ja läksimme heti reissuun. Kiersimme palttirallaa viikon Tasmaniaa ja kävimme kunnon patikointireissuilla. Niskaan tuli aina kaikkea vedestä lumeen ... muistutti kummasti Pohjolasta. Sydneyssä oli samaan aikaan kuulemma kunnon helteet.

Meidän Australian retki sitten päättyy ensi viikon maanantaina, ja uudet retket odottavat. Palaillaan niihin!

t. Heidi

P.S. Paulalle tsemppiä koulun aloitukseen!


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